Privacy policy
'KitBread App' refers to the below Apps created by KitBread :
DrumBeatMetronome, DrumRudimentPlayer, DrumPatternPlayer,
EasyDrumMetronome, DrumDynamicPlayer
The KitBread App may collect personal information for Android App
services in accordance with Google's policies.
This can be used for download statistics, app errors statistics, and more.
Because the KitBread App uses Google AdMob, it can also collect
personal information in accordance with Google AdMob policies.
GPS information may be collected for more accurate advertising services.
The KitBread App will detect if you have installed the KitBread App in
order to recommend other KitBread apps that are not installed. It runs
locally and is not collected.
The KitBread App does not search and collect any personal information
other than those mentioned above.